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This website was created to assist primary teachers in planning cross-curricular digital citizenship lessons as well as blended lesson videos to send home to parents. As a grade 1 teacher I found it very difficult to find resources that were aimed at my students. I could find lessons on some of the 9 Digital Citizenship elements but not on all of them. My hope is that this resource can guide your own instruction either through directly teaching my lessons or by adapting them to suit  your curriculum and student needs. 

I designed this website to  find a way to naturally incorporate digital citizenship lessons in my day-to-day teaching. I also wanted to figure out a way to involve parents in the digital citizenship lessons that their children were learning. This is why each of my lessons corresponds with a blended lesson to allow parents an opportunity to sit down with their child and discuss the importance of digital citizenship and how it should look at school and home. My goal is to develop open communication and awareness of digital citizenship from a young age with parents as allies and mentors. 

What you will find on this website:

  • Resources

    • Children's books for Digital Citizenship

    • Alternate websites for Digital Citizenship in primary grades

  • My Journey

    • Reflections and links that document my development of this website​

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